You're Invited To Promote A Turnkey Webinar Offer

With A Proven Track Record Of Paying Out

HUGE Commissions To JV Partners

Earn Up To $3,243 Per Sale | 50% Commissions


My Ambassador Program is a done-for-you offer that is tried, tested and PROVEN to convert at the highest level.


Average Conversion


Happy Customers


Paid To Affiliates

Instant Payouts

No waiting around to get paid. You get paid your commissions immediately via ClickBank at the point of sale. 

Commission Structure

Commission Level: 50%

Total Funnel Value: $6,486.00

Max. $ Per Sale: $3,243.00

trusted by some of the world's


"From one product creator to another, you've made promoting this offer so easy by providing everything I need. I particularly love the fact you look after your affiliates by hardcoding every lead sent to ensure no lost commissions."

Dan Sumner


"To the potential affiliate for this offer. Don't hesitate to promote. I have generated over 6 figures promoting this product and I continue to earn recurring and high-ticket commissions. This is one of the best converting offers ever for me."

Dave Nicholson


"Having been online since the early 2000s, there are not many marketers around who I remember from those days. John is one of the few who I've learned from that was around then, and is still around today. Best of all, his stuff converts!"

Randy Smith




The Ambassador Program allows students to clone my proven 7-figure funnel and plug it into their own business.

Students receive a turnkey evergreen webinar and 4-part workshop that introduces other entrepreneurs to the Ambassador Program and allows them to generate high-ticket commissions on autopilot.

It takes less than 30 minutes to set up, requires ZERO technical skills, and allows them to tap into a soon-to-be $1 trillion industry.

The program includes the sales funnel, email follow-ups, backend offers, done-for-you traffic, and a built-in affiliate program. It's a complete business-in-a-box!

Here's what your customers will receive:

Ambassador Quick Start Training: I'll show them, step by step, how to plug my proven funnel into their business and start profiting ASAP.
Done-For-You Webinar Funnel: I'll let them clone my proven webinar funnel that pays up to $3,243 per sale and does ALL the selling for them. No trial and error required.
Done-For-You Affiliate Program: They can recruit their own affiliates and earn a 50/50 profit share on any sales they generate! Gives them masses of extra sales for ZERO effort.
99-Day Autoresponder Sequence: High-converting, automated follow-up emails that maximize their profits. No work is required. It's plug-and-play simple.
Done-For-You Subscription Offers: They'll earn recurring income from 10 of my monthly subscription programs. They can generate up to $99/month from one conversion. Best of all, I’ll KEEP paying them every single month for as long as those customers remain active.
Done-For-You Tripwire Offers: An entire library of 12 low-ticket offers they can sell as-is and keep 100% of the profits for themselves. These offers have done over $1.2M in sales for me. Great for opening the door to high-ticket sales.
Done-For-You Lead Magnet: Two brandable PDF reports they can use to grow their email list and gain instant trust with new leads. Includes a 9-part email sequence that turns those leads into buyers for them—on 100% autopilot.
Traffic Trifecta Training: I’ll show them how to use both free and paid traffic strategies to generate massive traffic FAST, just like I do! Plus, a proven shortcut anyone can use to get 1,000 visitors in the next 30 days—guaranteed.
Unlimited Support From My Expert Team: Myself and my in-house team are ready and waiting to give your customers any help or guidance they need. This support isn’t only for the next 30, 60, or even 90 days. We will support them for YEARS if that’s what it takes!
BONUS #1 - Banner Ad On My Blog: I’ll place a rotating banner ad promoting their Ambassador link on the front page of my blog for the next 99 days. This gives them a TON of buyer traffic without lifting a finger!
BONUS #2 - I’ll Promote Their Link To My 100,000+ Subscribers: I’ll add a rotating signature ad with their Ambassador link to the bottom of EVERY broadcast email I send for the next 99 days.
BONUS #3 - Monthly Guest Post On My Blog: I’ll let them publish a guest post on my blog every month for an entire year. Each post will contain their Ambassador link.
BONUS #4 - I’ll Drive Email Traffic To Their Blog Posts: I’ll promote every single one of their posts to my 10,000 blog subscribers so they make easy, fast sales.
BONUS #5 - I’ll Drive Social Media Traffic To Their Blog Posts: I’ll also promote each of their posts to my 20,000 social media followers. These bonuses alone could drive hundreds of visitors to their Ambassador link.
BONUS #6 - Unlimited Reciprocal Promotions: As my Ambassador, I'm happy to reciprocate whenever they have an offer to share with my audience. With an email list of 100K+ subscribers, I have a proven track record of bringing the heat to a JV offer!
BONUS #7 - Done-For-Them Evergreen Workshop: They can swipe my 4-part workshop that educates their leads about the webinar opportunity. Then, at the end of the 4th day of content, opens up the Ambassador Program for sale. NO selling required.

With over 20 years of experience of creating numerous 7 figure offers, I have a proven formula to maximize conversions across ALL of your traffic.

This means you’ll be able to collect automatic commissions by promoting the Ambassador Program without a doubt!

All of the products in the funnel are tried, tested and proven. And they are specifically designed to compliment the main offer, so you can expect extraordinary conversions on EVERY promotion!


Updated Daily

Last 24 Hours

Last 72 Hours

Last 7 Days

Last 14 Days

8 Reasons To Promote This Offer

Turnkey Business

My Ambassador Program hands an entire business to your customers on a silver platter: products, funnel and even traffic included!

Automatic Payouts

My affiliate program is managed in ClickBank. This means your commissions are automatically paid into your ClickBank account at the point of sale. 

Low Refunds

The average refund rate for my Ambassador Program is less than 2%, so you can be confident that you'll KEEP any commissions you generate. 

Hardcoded Leads

All leads are hardcoded with YOUR ClickBank ID, so there is zero chance of lost commissions. You also get paid on any upgrades your customers take — for life.

High Conversions

The new webinar was written by a $100 million copywriter and has converted like crazy in internal tests. You can expect to earn $423.90 per conversion on average.

Evergreen Scarcity

Every email contains a countdown timer that expires as if the promotion was happening live in real-time. This has led to a dramatic upsurge in conversions for affiliates.

99 Day Follow-Up

I have a 99-day email sequence that follows up with your customers automatically to make sure you get the biggest "bang for your buck" out of your promotional efforts.

ClickBank Platinum

I am a 9-time ClickBank Platinum vendor with over 20 years of experience and $23+ million in student results. You can rest assured that your customers are in VERY good hands.



$1.7 Million Ambassador Funnel

MAKE UP TO $3,243.00 PER SALE!

Plus there are numerous offers made inside the Ambassador members area, and every member you refer is hard coded and you get paid for any relevant purchases made from inside the members area.
Basically, we keep paying you for your efforts.



Only approved affiliates can promote this program. To get your ClickBank ID whitelisted please fill out the form below. We will approve you as fast as humanly possible. You will receive an email confirmation from ClickBank once this process has been completed and you can then begin promoting.

NO clickbank account?

With over 20 years of experience, my products convert like crazy on any platform that I launch on, including ClickBank which I've been using since 2006. It's super easy to use with multiple payout methods worldwide.



Use any of the links below to promote the Ambassador Program. Simply replace "XXXXX" with your ClickBank ID to create your affiliate link.

evergreen webinar

Page Description

The recommended way to start driving traffic. Perfect for promoting via broadcast emails, autoresponder sequences, and thank you pages.

Affiliate Link



Page Description

Perfect to send to people who missed the webinar, or anyone
who attended and just wants to watch it again.

Affiliate Link


order PAGE

Page Description

Perfect if you have a lead who has already watched the webinar and is ready to buy, or anyone who has contacted you directly and expressed an interest in joining the Ambassador Program. 

Affiliate Link



Page Description

Perfect for sending to people who already watched the webinar or visited the long-form sales page and didn't buy. It converts extremely well and has an average retention rate of over 70%.

Affiliate Link



Page Description

Perfect for broadcast emails, or for sending to people who watched the webinar and didn't buy. Can also be used for one-off promos.

Affiliate Link


EVERGREEN 4-DAY workshop

Page Description

This 4-part workshop pitches the Ambassador Program from a different angle. It's perfect for building trust with new leads.

Affiliate Link


workshop REPLAY

Page Description

A replay of the workshop with long form copy underneath. 

Affiliate Link


IMPORTANT: You need to apply for approval before promoting. Once approved, you must use the links above to create your affiliate link. Do NOT use the link ClickBank gives and do NOT cloak your link otherwise hardcoding may not work.



Use these high-converting email swipes to drive traffic to the offer. Our best affiliates take these swipes and customize them to fit their unique brand voice. We mail a lot to our internal lists and will update these swipes as we continue to tweak and improve them to boost your conversions further. 


Evergreen Webinar Email #1


Woo-hoo! It’s John’s Quitversary


I’m pretty sure “Quitversary” isn’t a real word but for my good friend John Thornhill, it’s definitely a real celebration!

That’s because 13 years ago he told his boss to “Take this job and SHOVE it!”

John used to have a very mundane, soul-sucking factory job working on the production line at the local Nissan car plant. Then, 13 years ago, he walked out of the factory to go it alone and run his own online business.

He’d had enough doing what most people thought was normal and he wanted out.

No longer would he be a human robot, getting told when to eat... when to sleep... when to go on vacation... even when to take a s**t. 


Was it scary? I’m sure it probably was. 

For the first time ever, John was on his own. He no longer had a job to rely on for income. And he had nobody around him to help motivate him. 

But John also had one thing most people don’t have... 


John now lives a life where he calls the shots. If he wants to take a day off he can because he is his own boss.

If you’re currently doing a job you hate then there is a way out, trust me. You can do this with the right help.

The internet has provided so many opportunities that anyone with a little bit of ambition and determination can do this. So don’t let anyone tell you that it can’t be done because John is living proof that it can.

Believe it or not, even though he’s had such spectacular results, John is an ordinary guy. He has no special qualifications or abilities.

He was just determined to change his life and he was willing to do what it takes to make it happen.

He’s also gone on to help many others achieve financial freedom by passing on his knowledge.

If you are still struggling to make it online he knows the ONE BIG THING that's preventing you from becoming successful, and I’ve finally got him to reveal it to you!

We’re hosting a f.r.e.e training for our subscribers only and John’s gonna show you exactly how to fix your online business in under 5 minutes!

Register here:


This is brand new content that has never been revealed and I do hope you can join us. I promise you won’t regret it.

To your success,


P.S. Make time for this. Get a baby sitter. Take off from work. Do whatever you have to do. 

Just make sure you attend this training:


Evergreen Webinar Email #2


John knows why you’re failing online... 


I know... 

That’s a bold claim, isn’t it? I mean, is the dude psychic or something?

How can John Thornhill possibly know why you’re failing online and, more importantly, can he help fix it?

Well, let me explain... 

13 years ago, John walked out of the car plant that he had been working in for many years to go it alone and run his own online business.

Over the years, he has had thousands of interactions with his students and subscribers.

And time after time there is ONE BIG THING that keeps coming up that people aren’t doing and it’s stopping them becoming successful.

The bad news?

If you are not doing this ONE THING he guarantees you will not succeed online.

The good news?

He will reveal exactly what it is and how to fix it in under 5 minutes on a f.r.e.e training we are doing this week.

This is brand new content that has never been revealed and I really hope you can join him. I promise you'll be glad you did.

Secure your spot here while there are still seats remaining:


To your success,


P.S. This is a f.r.e.e training for our subscribers only and John’s gonna show you exactly how to fix your online business in under 5 minutes! 

Don’t miss it.

Register here:


Evergreen Webinar Email #3


How to make 28k in the next 30 days (27-min set up!)


Does that possibility scare you or excite you?

What if I told you it was really possible for even you to generate 28k or more in the next 30 days...

... even from a standing start...

... and that you could get started in just 27 minutes?

You’d think I was nuts, wouldn’t you?

Don’t get me wrong, to make 28k or more in the next 30 days would be an exceptional result that would require work.

Work that, sadly, most people WON'T do as they want money to fall from the sky for doing nothing... 

… but it is possible to generate 28k or more over the next 30 days... 

- With no list

- No Website

- And no experience


You should be. And lucky for you, all is revealed in John’s most groundbreaking presentation yet that he is holding.

This is brand new content that has never been revealed and I really hope you can join him. I promise you won’t regret it.

Get registered here:


To your success,


P.S. This is a f.r.e.e training for our subscribers only and John’s gonna show you exactly how to fix your online business in under 5 minutes! 

Don’t miss it.

Save your seat now:


Evergreen Webinar Email #4


Can you really make 28k in 30 days from scratch?


Yes. You CAN do it. And this guy will show you how.

His name is John Thornhill and he’s been working full-time online since 2006. 

And he can show you how to generate as much as 28k in the next 30 days and be ready to make sales just 27 minutes from now.

If you are willing to do the work there is no one better to show you how to get something going that works.

John will show you how it’s possible to generate 28k or more in the next 30 days... even from a complete standing start.

His new system doesn’t take months (or even years) of hard work. In fact, you can be up-and-running in just 27 minutes... 

- With NO list...

- NO website...

- And NO experience needed.

This is brand new content that has never been revealed and I really hope you will make the time to join him. You'll be glad you did.

Register here:


We hope to see you on the training.

To your success,


P.S. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Sign up now:


Evergreen Webinar Email #5


Hey! You’re about to miss this... 


I hope you didn’t forget about John's f.r.e.e training I’ve been telling you about for the last few days, because it’s gonna be packed and seats are limited!

We’re starting soon so get in here now if you don’t miss anything.

Join us here:



P.S. Hurry! You don’t want to miss any of this!

Evergreen Webinar Email #6


Discover The Proven System That Generates $3,493 Payments Over and Over.


Hey [Name],

When it comes to making money online, you want a system that's backed by logic and facts, right? Well, look no further.

This brand new training from a Multi Award Winning ClickBank Vendor is here to revolutionize your income stream.

Here’s what you are about to discover:

The exact system used to generate $23,000,000+ online... and how to implement this in your business.

The 3 big reasons most traditional online business models fail... and the ONE missing piece of the puzzle the "gurus" don't want you to know.

How to earn up to $3,136.50 commissions from ONE single conversion... without doing any of the selling.

How to activate the 3 proven "profit levers" to make up to $33,078 a month... even if you've never made a dime online before.

How to get high-ticket automated webinars done FOR you so you can generate sales as an affiliate faster and easier.

Plus, how you can simply plug this multi-million dollar system into your business in around 27 minutes!

Go here to get started:


To your success,

[Sign Off]

P.S. Time is of the essence! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to boost your online income. Click the link above and take the first step towards financial freedom now!

Evergreen Webinar Email #7


Guaranteed Revenue: $2,000 Or More In Just 2 Months!



Are you ready to make some serious cash?

I've got an opportunity that's guaranteed to put at least $2,000 in your pocket within just 60 days.

Yes, you heard that right!

This exclusive program offers a step-by-step process to clone a proven funnel and generate massive revenue.

Here's what's in it for you:

- Guaranteed revenue of at least $2,000 within 60 days
- Personalized one-to-one support if you don't meet the revenue goal
- Additional compensation for any shortfall, up to $2,000

Imagine what you could do with an extra $2,000 in your bank account.
Whether it's paying off debt, taking a vacation, or investing in your future, this program gives you the opportunity to double your money, no matter what.

Ready to take control of your financial destiny?

Click the link below to find out more about the ClickBank Super Funnel and start generating affiliate sales today!

Go here to get started:


[Sign Off]

Evergreen Webinar Email #8


Unlock The Secret To Affiliate Marketing Success!


Hey there!

Are you ready to take your affiliate marketing game to the next level and start earning BIG? IF SO Then you need to check out this groundbreaking webinar.


It's the ultimate solution for ambitious affiliate marketers like you who want to maximize their income and reach new heights of success.

Here’s what you are about to discover:

The exact system used to generate $23,000,000+ online... and how to implement this in your business.

The 3 big reasons most traditional online business models fail... and the ONE missing piece of the puzzle the "gurus" don't want you to know.

How to earn up to $3,493.50 commissions from ONE single conversion... without doing any of the selling.

How to activate the 3 proven "profit levers" to make up to $33,078 a month... even if you've never made a dime online before.

How to get high-ticket automated webinars done FOR you so you can generate sales as an affiliate faster and easier.

Plus, how you can simply plug this multi-million dollar system into your business in around 27 minutes!

Go here to get started:



[Sign Off]

P.S. Slots are limited so don't miss out on this incredible opportunity. Take action now and secure your spot in the training.

Evergreen Webinar Email #9


Ready to Earn $3,493 Commissions?



The potential to earn $3,493 commissions is real and within your reach.

Want to know how?

Join this upcoming webinar to discover the powerful technique that can make this happen.

Hosted by a Multi Award Winning Clickbank Platinum seller, and designed to help you generate sales and subscribers without doing ANY selling!

Go here to find out more:



[Sign Off]

Evergreen Webinar Email #10


Get Your Hands on a Proven ‘Done For You’ Webinar Funnel



A proven, evergreen webinar funnel can be a game-changer in your online business.

Want to know how to get one?

Join this upcoming webinar to find out.

It’s hosted by a ClickBank Platinum seller, who will show you how it can generate high commissions of up to $3493 per registrant without you doing any of the complicated set up or selling the offer!

Everything you need to know is here:



[Sign Off]

Evergreen Webinar Email #11


Your Ticket to High-Converting Funnels



Imagine having access to a proven, high-converting funnel that you can call your very own.

Sounds too good to be true?

It's not!

To discover more about how you can have a proven Super Funnel working for you, and how it can transform your online income go here:


It’s designed by a Multi Platinum Clickbank Award seller, and he’s letting you ‘steal' his 1.3 Million Super Funnel so you don’t have to do any selling!


[Sign Off]

Webinar Replay Email #1

Note: Send 6 Hours After Evergreen Webinar Email #5


The replay is now online!


Okay, listen up [NAME]… 

You are in for a suuuuper special treat over the next 3 days! 

That’s how long this replay will be available for AND you’re going to receive 6 emails about it starting with this one.

This is called a “Crush Campaign” and you are now immersed in it, so... 


Watch the replay. Get the product. Study the marketing. (Don’t just be the market-ed!)

John Thornhill is the master. He’s the reason thousands of people have generated millions upon millions of dollars online.

He just hosted a private training (for our subscribers only) where he revealed how it’s possible for anyone to generate 28k or more in the next 30 days.

Does that sound crazy to you? Cause it gets even better.

You can do this:

- With NO list... 

- NO Website... 

- And NO experience.

Best of all... you can be set up in just 27 minutes.

You need to see this for yourself:


Don’t get me wrong, it does take work but 28k over the next 30 days is definitely possible... even from a complete standing start.

And John showed you exactly how to do it on the training. This was by far his most groundbreaking presentation yet. 

That’s why you have to watch this replay right now.

See you on the next page…


P.S. Remember, this replay will only be up for a limited time. My next email will explain more... 


Webinar Replay Email #2

Note: Send 12 Hours After Evergreen Replay Email #1


(PROOF) 28k in 30 days


The proof is in the pudding... ESPECIALLY when it comes to remarkable income claims.

You may have heard some dodgy stuff from fake gurus out there... but, in this case, the “claim” is REAL. 

It’s from one of the most respected names in internet marketing... and the PROOF is in the replay video!

See it for yourself here:


John Thornhill is the real deal.

He’s helped thousands of people make money online, and he just revealed exactly how it’s possible for YOU to make 28k (or more) in the next 30 days!

You’ve got to watch this video replay right now because he’s only allowed me to share it with you for 3 days… then it comes down.

Now, maybe you’re a skeptic... maybe you get turned off when you see numbers like “28k in 30 days”… 

... and I get it! You’ve been conditioned to think it’s not “legally” possible.

Well, I’m telling you it IS legal, and it IS possible. 

In fact, it’s just the beginning! Because once you’re making that kind of money, you’ll have even MORE time to dedicate on your online business.

And this is totally within reach for you by the way.. Don’t create any imaginary obstacles.

Remember, you can do this:

- With NO list... 

- NO website... 

- And NO experience.

Even better... you can be set up in just 27 minutes.


Well, you do this by leveraging John's resources and experience.

This isn’t "theory." You’re not a guinea pig. The proof is in the replay video.

Watch it, I promise you won’t regret it.

Here’s the link you need to access the replay. Just make sure you watch it before he takes it down.

Watch the replay here:


See you on the replay page…


P.S. Oh and remember, the crush campaign is in full effect! I’ll be emailing you a few more times about this... but that’s it.

Watch the replay now before it expires:


Webinar Replay Email #3

Note: Send 12 Hours After Evergreen Replay Email #2


Everything you need to know about John's Ambassador Program


Ever since John launched his brand new Ambassador Program, we’ve had a bunch of questions. So I’ve decided to answer the common ones here... 

Q. Please tell me what this is about?

A. In a nutshell, you get 2 sites of your own. One promotes the webinar and the other recruits affiliates into the Ambassador Program.

You get paid up to $3,493.50 for everyone who joins Partnership to Success from your link, and you split the profits with John 50/50 on any sales your sub-affiliates earn.

Q. Wow, that sounds amazing. Do I receive anything else?

A. Yes, you get to capture ALL the leads (build your list) from your very own web page.

Q. What about writing emails?

A. That’s all done FOR you, too. You get a 99-day email autoresponder sequence that pays you 100% commissions on all of John’s products and 50% commissions on some of the best-selling products on ClickBank.

Q. Who hosts my websites?

A. John does. You don’t even need a hosting package to make this work.

Q. What do I need to do to make this work?

A. You need an AWeber account and a ClickBank account. That’s it!

Q. How much work is involved?

A. You need to spend about 30 minutes setting this up (John shows you how step-by-step) and drive some traffic. He shows you how to drive traffic as well.

Q. This sounds too good to be true, what’s the catch?

A. No catch. He designed this program to help you generate commissions for the least amount of work possible, plus it helps bring more people into the program.

This is the kind of program that you would expect to pay thousands of dollars for, but trust me when I say that you will be shocked at how affordable this is!

Get in here before it's too late:




P.S. By the way, don’t be “that guy.” There’s always at least one person that waits till the last minute then misses out on the deal.

Check out all the details here:


Webinar Replay Email #4

Note: Send 12 Hours After Evergreen Replay Email #3


Your Ambassador Offer Expires Soon... 


Sorry [NAME], but we are about to enter the last day and it’s time to take action.

Don’t dilly dally.

If you still haven’t watched the replay video where John reveals how you can make 28k (or more) in the next 30 days and be set up in just 27 minutes…

Well, to put it bluntly…

You need to freakin' watch this now:


The Ambassador Program was created to help anyone who struggles with product creation and offers the following benefits:

- Your very own custom-built website where you collect the leads

- The ability to generate $3493 commissions

- 99 days worth of follow-up emails plugged into your AWeber account 

- 100% commissions on all of John's sales funnels

- The ability to generate commissions from other marketer's funnels

- 50/50 split on profits from any sales your affiliates make 

- Free traffic from his email list, blog and social media following

- All the training you need to make this work

There is literally nothing else online that comes close to what John is offering you here.

Even better... you can be up-and-running and in a position to start generating leads and sales in around 30 minutes from now.

Go get this now before it’s too late:




P.S. You’ll kick yourself tomorrow if you pass this up today. Don’t let something this good slip through your fingers.

Webinar Replay Email #5

Note: Send 12 Hours After Evergreen Replay Email #4


Don’t be "that" guy (or girl)


John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program was created to help anyone who struggles with product creation and just needs a shortcut straight to the money.

You can be up-and-running and in a position to start generating sales and subscribers in around 30 minutes.

There is literally nothing else online that even comes close to what John is doing for you here.

However... you are about to miss out for good as I will only be sending one more notification. 

So don’t be "that" guy (or girl) who ignores this email and misses out on this deal.

Do yourself a favour and snap this up while you still have time. 

Trust me, you won't regret it.

Get in here before the doors close:




P.S. Have you been paying attention? There’s a bottleneck at the order button right now. It always happens with a Crush Campaign.

P.P.S. If you miss out then you’re up the creek without a paddle… I don’t know if (or when) he’ll re-open, plus you won’t get the fast-mover bonuses and it will definitely cost you more.

Get this now. Don’t be "that" guy (or girl) who regrets it.


Webinar Replay Email #6

Note: Send 12 Hours After Evergreen Replay Email #5


Final Call For John’s Ambassador Program...


I’ve been telling you about this for 3 days FOR A REASON. 

This will be your final call and last chance to access to John's brand new Ambassador Program.

Get in now or forever hold your peace:


If you have already watched the replay and just want to join right now just click the link under the video.

I hope you get in on time, this will be your final call.


P.S. This email concludes the Ambassador Crush Campaign! Starting to see how powerful this stuff is yet?

Get in now while you still can:



Free Workshop Email #1


The most profitable funnel online…
This strategy made 5 million online…


Hey [NAME],

As you probably know, webinars are the most profitable funnel online. Problem is, they are complicated.

They require “Albert Einstein” level advertising skills to succeed with.

Which means they are not a beginner-friendly way to generate sales and profits online.

However, that’s all changed…

My friend, John Thornhill, has figured out a new way to create automated high-ticket webinars that anyone (even complete beginners) can use to sell affiliate products.

In fact, it’s the exact strategy he has used to generate over $5,000,000 using webinars.

And now, he’s doing a series of training videos where he’ll reveal what he calls “Webinar Profit Engines.”

This is a BIG deal, so you should really check it out:



P.S. The great thing about this method is you don’t even need to film a webinar! Imagine having that part completely done for you. More on that when you join us…

Free Workshop Email #2


[Download] 5 webinar funnel templates


Hey [NAME],

Want to make big affiliate commissions?

Then check this out…

My friend, John Thornhill, is offering you his 5 highest-converting webinar funnel templates.

These proven webinar templates have generated John over $5 million in sales.

So these templates really are like profit in the bank for you…

Download these 5 high-converting webinar funnel templates now:



P.S. You’ll also get a deep dive training that explains how to best use these 5 webinar templates so you can generate massive affiliate payouts. (More videos are coming!)

This is truly a HUGE giveaway, so you’d be crazy to miss this…

Download these 5 profit-making webinar templates now:


Free Workshop Email #3


[New Video] 10 ways to get paid


Hey [NAME],

Want to generate more sales and profit online?

My friend John Thornhill has just released another training where he reveals 10 little-known profit “multipliers” that help you 2-3x your results with webinars.

Go here to watch training video #2:


During the training, you’ll also discover the two most profitable Webinar Profit Engines for affiliate marketers and business owners.

Plus, John will send you a special report that reveals more about these 10 profit “multipliers.”

You’ll discover…

[+] The simple strategy to unlock a 10% surge in webinar registrations overnight

[+] How to use the “real estate” method to skyrocket webinar attendance (and generate sales before your event even starts)

[+] What the most important “master key” to a high-converting webinar REALLY is

[+] How to quickly flip skepticism on its head and turn doubters into devoted buyers

[+] A little-known way to turn your webinar attendees into your most powerful promoters

[+] Why you DON’T need a product, an email list, or any experience to start making 6 figures a year with webinars

[+] And much more!

Access the report and training right now:



P.S. Missed training #1? John will send you the first training too. In that training he answered the question, “What is a Webinar Profit Engine?” and “How can they help you generate more profit?”

Free Workshop Email #4


[Video #3] webinar secrets for beginners…
How to launch a webinar in 30 mins…


Hey [NAME],

Today, John Thornhill will walk you through how to launch a “Webinar Profit Engine” in less than 30 minutes, step-by-step.

Watch training #3 now:


By the way, these webinars aren’t just for affiliate marketers.

John’s unique “Webinar Profit Engine” strategy is also PERFECT for…

[+] Email marketers
[+] Beginners
[+] Membership site owners
[+] Course creators
[+] Coaches
[+] Consultants
[+] Agency owners

Go here now to discover the step-by-step strategy to launch a Webinar Profit Engine in under 30 minutes, step-by-step…



P.S. You’ll also get the EXACT webinar profit blueprint John uses to maximize his conversions, sales and profit.

Free Workshop Email #5


Big news…
New business model…


Hey [NAME],

Big news!

My buddy, John Thornhill, is doing a new live training to show you how to generate more affiliate commissions using “Webinar Profit Engines” – 100% on autopilot!

Note: This is a completely new and different training to the ones I’ve shared over the past few days.

Watch it now:


During the training, you’ll discover…

[+] How to plug John’s proven $5 million strategy into any online business

[+] The 3-step process for killer webinars that convert attendees into buyers

[+] The 3 simple tweaks that tripled his webinar conversions overnight

[+] John’s unique webinar approach that keeps attendees glued to presentations

[+] 5 little-known webinar frameworks to generate more sales as an affiliate

[+] Exactly how he automates his webinar process, step by step

[+] Plus a whole lot more!

If you want an unfair advantage as an affiliate in 2024, you need to clear your schedule and do whatever it takes to watch this training!

Check it out now:


Don’t miss this.


Free Workshop Email #6


Why most webinars fail
The affiliate game is changing


Hey [NAME],

The affiliate game is changing.

Smart marketers and affiliates (who sell their own or other people’s offers) are now shifting from “promoting standard webinars” to using “Automated Webinar Profit Engines” instead.


Because these webinars generate WAY more sales and profit!

And that’s why John Thornhill and I just released a new training that shows you exactly how to quickly and easily set up these little profit-pulling “engines.”

Watch the training now:


In fact, most people who ignore the “Webinar Profit Engine” strategy in 2024 will likely fail.

Gone are the days of “one-size-fits-all” webinars.

Now, with the push of a few buttons, you can activate “profit multipliers” that tailor webinar follow-ups for each person based on their actions.

That means if people didn’t watch, stayed for 5 minutes or watched the entire presentation, they’ll get completely different follow-ups to help close more sales for you – all on autopilot!

Go watch it now:


Make sure you check it out.

This is big!


Free Workshop Email #7


10 to 1 you thank me for this…


I’d like to make a bet.

I’d like to bet that you will thank me for putting together this training…

Check it out here:


Not only are you going to actually learn a ton from John Thornhill, but you’re going to see how you can tap into an existing 7-figure webinar… and simply use it as your own.

No need for a product, a list, or even a website!

This strategy is brand new, literally still “underground” and it will be revealed during this training!

Watch it now:


10 to 1, you thank me for this…

… because it almost seems like he has hacked the webinar game!

You’re going to the learn the exact system…

A to Z, nothing left to chance…

And you will leave armed with a new skill and a dozen different monetization strategies you can start using today.

Get ready to learn, I’ve seen the training and it is a lot of content!

Go see for yourself:



Free Workshop Email #8


Create recurring revenue that builds every month…
How to use webinars to make more affiliate sales…


Hey [NAME],

A few days ago my friend John pulled back the curtain and revealed the easiest way to use webinars to make more affiliate sales.

But the training is only available while the timer is ticking…

Go check it out now:


We're going to show exactly how you can earn up to $3K commissions by plugging into my friend’s 7-figure webinar, and create recurring revenue that builds every single month.

And unlike "traditional" affiliate marketing, you'll learn how you can build your email list for long-term financial stability and predictable income.

You'll also discover…

[+] The exact strategy my friend has used to generate over $5M online

[+] The REAL reason most webinars fail, and the critical piece of the puzzle that always seems to be missing

[+] The 3-step process for killer webinars that convert attendees into buyers

[+] 5 little-known webinar frameworks to generate more sales as an affiliate

[+] How to tap into and profit from an existing 7-figure webinar that is proven to convert

[+] Exactly how he automates his webinar process, step by step

[+] And much more!

If you’ve ever felt like there was something missing from “traditional” affiliate marketing, then you’re right!

Go watch the training now to discover the missing piece of the puzzle.

Watch the training here:



P.S. Remember, this is the fastest and simplest way to promote high-ticket affiliate products online create recurring revenue that builds every month, WITHOUT any of the usual webinar headaches…

… but it won’t be available for long.

Go watch it here while you still can:


Free Workshop Email #9


The most complete DFY online business system
“I’m giving you my internet business…”
“Can I give you my internet business?”


Wow [NAME]!

People have been going crazy, thanking me for sharing the Webinar Profit Engines program with them!

However, due to the nature of this, I don’t expect the training to be up there much longer.

It may be taken down today…

So I suggest you hurry and look at it:


This is the most complete “done for you” online business system…

… because you can literally plug right in to John's proven 7-figure webinar and start making high-ticket commissions immediately.

And as you'll see in the training, this webinar converts like CRAZY because of all the different “profit multipliers” John has built into the funnel.

Plus, with his best-converting registration template and pre-webinar lead magnet, it’s incredibly easy to get people into the funnel…

… and then you just let the 7-figure “engine” do what it's been proven to do over and over again…

… make SALES!

Go here to watch the training and see what I mean:


You’ll be building your own email list…

You’ll be generating your own commissions…

And you'll have the luxury of a proven, tested 7-figure webinar working for you to create even more sales and commissions.

But the replay (and John’s special offer) will be coming down soon…

And I really don't want you to miss out.

I know you may be feeling overwhelmed by complicated and time-consuming webinars, or completely unsure of the whole "backend" marketing side of things…

That's why John will do ALL of it for you!

This is hands down the simplest, most complete “done for you” online business system I have ever seen.

Go check it out now:



Free Workshop Email #10


This crazy offer...
6k of gifts (gone tomorrow)...


Hey [NAME],

Usually webinars are complicated and time-consuming to put together.

However, now with John Thornhill’s new strategy, affiliates (and even beginners) can create Webinar Profit Engines in 30 minutes or less.

His strategy is a total game-changer.

That’s why John and I want to do everything in our power to inspire you to…

Sign up for Webinar Profit Engines right now:


First, here’s what’s included in the core offer…

[+] Webinar Profit Engine Masterclass
[+] Done-For-You Webinar Profit Engine
[+] John’s Best-Converting Regsitration Page
[+] 99 Days Of Automated Email Follow-Ups
[+] Done-For-You Affiliate Program
[+] Done-For-You Pre-Webinar Lead Magnet

And here’s the $6,458 worth of bonuses he’ll give you when you sign up right now…

[-] Bonus #1: Done-For-You Webinar Profit Engine Set Up
[-] Bonus #2: Traffic Trifecta Training
[-] Bonus #3: Guest Post Profits
[-] Full Pay Bonus: Done-For-You Kickstarter Traffic
[-] Over-The-Top Bonus: Private 1-On-1 Scaling Session With John

Whether you want to generate sales and clients from your own webinars, or promote other people’s webinars as an affiliate…

… these 5 incredible gifts will help fast-track your path to success.

Sign up right now and get $6,458 of gifts:



P.S. Webinar Profit Engines (and this offer) closes tomorrow at midnight.

Free Workshop Email #11


[Webinar Profit Engines] Doors close at midnight…
[URGENT] last day to watch this


Hey [NAME],

John’s Webinar Profit Engines offer closes at midnight.

That means today is your last chance to get in on this offer.

There’s never been a faster and easier way to create high-converting webinars (and even have them done-for-you).

In fact, Webinar Profit Engines are PERFECT for…

[+] Beginners who want a proven business model that uses the highest profit funnel online

[+] Affiliates who want multiple million-dollar winning offers to promote

[+] Course creators who want to generate more sales and profit

[+] Webinar marketers who want to get higher conversions from their existing webinars

[+] Coaches and consultants who want to convert more prospects into high-paying clients

So whether you want done-for-you webinars or to create your own…

Sign up for Webinar Profit Engines right now:


He has made over $5 million with webinars with his new strategy.

I wouldn’t recommend this to you if I didn’t believe that Webinar Profit Engines were one of the best ways for you to succeed online.


P.S. Today is the final deadline. Webinar Profit Engines is is closing down at midnight tonight.

Get killer webinars done-for-you with this special offer:


Free Workshop Email #12


6 hours to the final deadline…


Hey [NAME],

Please listen carefully…

Webinar Profit Engines are a fast and easy way that anyone (even beginners) can promote high-ticket affiliate products online and earn $500, $1,000 and even $3,000+ per sale.

However, this offer ends soon:


If you go to the link below, once this expires, you’ll see a timer that has counted down to zero.

At that point, you can rest assured you just missed out on this amazing offer.

Don’t let that happen!

First, here’s what’s included in the core offer…

[+] Webinar Profit Engine Masterclass
[+] Done-For-You Webinar Profit Engine
[+] John’s Best-Converting Registration Page
[+] 99 Days Of Automated Email Follow-Ups
[+] Done-For-You Affiliate Program
[+] Done-For-You Pre-Webinar Lead Magnet

And here’s the $6,458 worth of bonuses we’ll give you when you sign up right now…

[-] Bonus #1: Done-For-You Webinar Profit Engine Set Up
[-] Bonus #2: Traffic Trifecta Training
[-] Bonus #3: Guest Post Profits
[-] Full Pay Bonus: Done-For-You Kickstarter Traffic
[-] Over-The-Top Bonus: Private 1-On-1 Scaling Session With John

Together these 5 crazy gifts are worth $6,458.

However, there’s less than 6 hours left to claim this.

[NAME], you’d be crazy to miss this.


Sign up to Webinar Profit Engines right now to get $6,458 of killer gifts:



P.S. Warning: At midnight tonight this offer expires. If you delay you’ll miss out.

Free Workshop Email #13


Gone at midnight…
Don’t make me say this…


Yes, this really is your last chance.

The deadline to get in on Webinar Profit Engine ends in just a few hours.

Don’t make me say “I told you so!”

Get in HERE:


Be fast…

… because no matter what, this page is coming down tonight at midnight.


Free Workshop Email #14


Final Notice…
[LAST CHANCE] open this ASAP



This is your last chance…

Last chance to watch the replay and get the discount…

And last chance to grab this offer with the bonuses:


If you’re interested in launching your own Webinar Profit Engine… and you want the fastest path to success… then hurry!

John has been a platinum ClickBank seller and affiliate for the past 4 years running.

He’s made over $5 million during that short time.

Plus, his students have already made $631,894 with this… a number that rises everyday.

This was actually verified by ClickBank themselves.

[NAME], this system is the real deal:


You’ve got less than 2 hours to check it out before John removes it from the internet.

I highly recommend you watch this now before it’s too late!









Use these attention-grabbing
banner ads to run paid traffic campaigns, or place on your website and in emails to drive more traffic and make more sales.


Use these eye-popping cover graphics any way you wish in your blog posts, bridge pages, emails, or social media ads to maximize your affiliate commissions!


Use these buyer intent keywords to set up your SEO or paid traffic campaigns and help you drive highly targeted traffic to the Ambassador Program.





On JVZoo Alone


Through Warrior+


On Another Account


On ClickBank


Through Zaxaa


In Just 28 Days

Do I reciprocate?



Want To Book A Live Webinar?

Want to run a live webinar with me to get the best conversions?

We will give you everything you need and you will only have to use one link throughout the whole campaign.

All we need from you is your ClickBank ID and a date you wish to promote and we will take care of everything else.

So, if you can get at least 50 people on a live webinar and want to bank BIG for very little effort, simply get in touch with my JV Manager Kev Spence (details below) and he will make it all happen for you.


Kev Spence

JV Manager



John Thornhill

Since launching my first digital product and generating over $5 million in personal profits online, I’ve seen how digital products can transform lives in amazing ways. 

In 2008, I launched a coaching program so I could teach others how to create, launch and sell their own digital product from scratch, and the results speak for themselves. I’ve now coached over 3,000 students through this process, and they have generated over $23 million in sales.

I’m thrilled at the idea of partnering with you to introduce this turnkey program to your audience! Click the button below to get started now, and let’s do this… 

© Copyright 2024 John Thornhill's Ambassador Program. All Rights Reserved.

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Book Your FREE 30-min Strategy Call Now

Enter your details below to get booking details now

We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.


Sign Up To Start Promoting
Rapid Digital Assets

Simply fill out the form below to complete the sign up process. 

With this information, we will be able to verify you as a Rapid Digital Assets affiliate and whitelist you on ClickBank. Without this, you will not be able to refer traffic and collect commissions.

We will approve you as fast as possible. Once you have been whitelisted you will receive a confirmation email from ClickBank.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure all information is true and correct
otherwise your application may be denied. 


Ready To Start Promoting
Rapid Digital Assets?

Simply fill out the form below to complete the JV sign up process. 

With this information, we will be able to verify you as a Rapid Digital Assets affiliate and whitelist you on ClickBank and pay you 100% commissions on the book and bump offers and 50% on everything else. Without this, you will not be able to refer traffic and collect commissions.

We will approve you as fast as humanly possible. Once you have been whitelisted you will receive a confirmation email from ClickBank.

We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.



Only approved affiliates can promote this program. To get your ClickBank ID whitelisted please fill out the form below. We will approve you as fast as humanly possible. You will receive an email confirmation from us and from ClickBank once this process has been completed and you can then begin promoting.

Please note! You MUST use the links we provide on this page to create your affiliate link. DO NOT use the link ClickBank gives you and DO NOT cloak your affiliate link otherwise hard coding may not work.
If you have already been approved for this program in the past there is no need to re-apply, and as long as your affiliate link goes to the relevant pages as shown in step 2 you are good to go.
