JV Tools Page For Kim Thibodeaux
Your Complete Email Sequence
This webinar campaign is split into 3 stages, pre webinar, encore and replay.
Your email sequence is below. These emails are tried and tested and if you can commit to the full email sequence you will get amazing results.
Also, you only have to use one affiliate link for the duration of the whole campaign as we will redirect your links accordingly, so simply queue up your emails and leave the rest to us.
Webinar Starts in
Your Affiliate Link to Use Throughout The Whole Campaign
Phase 1 Pre-Webinar
Send on – Monday at 1:00 PM EST
Subject – WooHoo! It’s John’s Quitiversary.
I’m pretty sure “Quitiversary” isn’t a real word but for my good friend John Thornhill, it’s definitely a real celebration!
That’s because 13 Years ago he told his boss to “take this job and SHOVE It!”
John used to have a very mundane, life-sucking factory job working on the production line at the local Nissan car plant, and 13 years ago he walked out of the factory that to go it alone and run his own online business.
He’d had enough doing what most people thought was normal and he wanted out.
No longer would he be a human robot, getting told when to eat, when to sleep, when to go on vacation, even when to take a s**t. (seriously)
Was it scary? I’m sure it was, He was on his own, No longer had a job to rely on for income, but he had one thing most people don’t have.
John now lives a life where he calls the shots. If he wants to take a day off he can because he is his own boss.
If you’re currently doing a job you hate then there is a way out, TRUST ME. You can do this with the right help.
The internet has provided so many opportunities that anyone with a little bit of ambition and determination can do this. So don’t let anyone tell you that it can’t be done because John is living proof that it can.
Believe it or not, even though he’s had such spectacular results John is an ordinary guy, he has no special qualifications or abilities.
He was just determined to change his life and he was willing to do what it takes to make it happen.
He’s also gone on to help many others achieve financial freedom by passing on his knowledge.
If you are still struggling to make it online he knows THE ONE BIG THING THAT’S PREVENTING YOU FROM BECOMING SUCCESSFUL, and I’ve finally got him to reveal it to you!
We’re hosting a FREE WEBINAR For our subscribers only and John’s gonna show you exactly how to FIX your online business in under 5 minutes!
Date: Wednesday JULY 17th
Time: 8:00 PM EDT
This is brand new content that has never been revealed and I do hope you can join John, I promise you won’t regret it.
To Your Success,[SIGN OFF]
P.S. – Make time for this. Get a baby sitter. Take off from work. Do whatever you have to do just ATTEND THIS WEBINAR[YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]
Send on – Tuesday at 1:00 PM EST
Subject – John Knows Why You’re Failing Online.
I know that’s a bold claim, isn’t it? I mean is the dude psychic or something?
How can John Thornhill possibly know why you’re failing online and more importantly. Can he help fix it?
Allow me to explain.
13 years ago, John walked out of the car plant that he had been working in for many years to go it alone and run his own online business.
Over the years he has had thousands of interactions with his students and subscribers.
And time after time there is one big thing that keeps coming up that people aren’t doing and it’s stopping them becoming successful, if you are not doing this ONE THING He guarantees you will not succeed online.
He will reveal what it is and how to ‘fix it’ in under 5 minutes on a brand new LIVE webinar we are doing this week.
This is brand new content that has never been revealed and I do hope you can join him, I promise you won’t regret it.
Secure your spot while there are still seats remaining.
Date: Wednesday JULY 17th
Time: 8:00 PM EDT
To Your Success,[SIGN OFF]
P.S. – This is a FREE WEBINAR for our subscribers only and John’s gonna show you exactly how to FIX your online business in under 5 minutes! Don’t miss it.[YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]
Send on – Wednesday at 08:00 AM EST
Subject – How to generate $28,368 in the next 30 Days
Does that possibility scare you or excite you?
What if I told you it was REALLY possible FOR EVEN YOU to generate $28,368 or more in the next 30 days, even from a standing start?
You’d think I was crazy, wouldn’t you?
Now don’t get me wrong, to make $28,368 or more in the next 30 days would be an exceptional result that would require work, work that most people won’t do as they want money to fall from the sky for doing nothing …
… but IT IS POSSIBLE to generate $28,368 over the next 30 days …
#With no list.
#No Website.
#And no experience.
You should be, and all will be revealed in John’s most groundbreaking presentation ever that he will be holding tonight.
This is brand-new content that has never been revealed and I do hope you can join him, I promise you won’t regret it.
Here are the details you need if you want to find out more.
Date: Wednesday JULY 17th
Time: 8:00 PM EDT
To Your Success,[SIGN OFF]
P.S. – This is a FREE WEBINAR for our subscribers only and John’s gonna show you exactly how to FIX your online business in under 5 minutes! Don’t miss it.[YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]
Send on – Wednesday at 3:00 PM EST
Subject – $28,368 in 30 Days From Scratch – and You Can Get Started in 30 Minutes
YES. You can do it. And this guy will show you how.
His name is John Thornhill and he’s been working full time online since 2006, and he can show you how to generate as much as $28,368 in the next 30 days.
If you are willing to do the work there is no one better to show you how to get something going that works.
John will show you how it’s possible to generate $28,368 or more in the next 30 days, even from a standing start.
His new system doesn’t take months, or even years of hard work, in fact, you can be up an running in around 30 minutes.
#With no list.
#No Website.
#And no experience needed.
This is brand new content that has never been revealed and I do hope you can join him, I promise you won’t regret it.
We hope to see you on the webinar.
To Your Success,[SIGN OFF]
P.S. – Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity![YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]
Send on – Wednesday at 7:30 PM EST
Subject – Hey! We’re Starting Very Soon – Where Are You?
I hope you didn’t forget about the webinar because it’s gonna be packed and seats are limited!
We’re gonna be starting soon so get in here so you don’t miss anything.
P.S. – Hurry! You don’t want to miss any of this!